
Welcome to the Edmonton Branch!

Photo credit: R. Pearson

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Volunteer Needed

We are looking for a volunteer to join the Executive Committee in the Acting Past President position. It is one of the lighter roles and is a great introduction to the Edmonton Branch. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us at [email protected].

The AAP and its branches are volunteer-run, and we need our members to be able to keep the branch operating.

Upcoming Events

We have wrapped our branch program for 2023-2024. Please stay tuned for details of the 2024-2025 branch program. The 2024-2025 branch calendar shows the event dates for the next year.

Should you have any speaker or topic ideas for our 2024-2025 program, please let us know at [email protected].

Thank you to everyone who continues to support the Edmonton Branch events by attending events. We greatly appreciate your investment in the AAP Edmonton Branch!

Educational Partners

These educational partners in Edmonton and northern Alberta offer courses that fulfill the CCAP program requirements:

    • Athabasca University
    • Grande Prairie Regional College
    • Keyano College
    • Lakeland College
    • MacEwan University
    • Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)
    • NorQuest College (NEW)
    • University of Alberta

Visit https://canadianadmin.ca/certification/educational-partners/ for more information.

Community Support

AAP branches across Canada provide community support through volunteer opportunities and/or monetary donations to assist local groups/charities. In March 2023, we volunteered at Edmonton’s Food Bank. We bagged potatoes and helped to build food hampers, and we contributed 6 cumulative hours of time. We also donated the registration fees ($60) for the event to the Food Bank.

Support has previously been provided to WIN House and Suit Yourself.

Contact Us

If you have questions, you can reach out to us at [email protected]. To see the full list of Executive Committee members and their email addresses, visit the Edmonton Branch members’ only page.