Do I have to be a member?
- Yes, you have to be a member of AAP in order to work towards a certification and to keep your certification valid. Membership shows that learning, growing, and thriving in an administrative profession is important to you.
You must be a member for a minimum of one year before you can become a CCAP or CCAPA. You don’t need to wait until you have been a member for a year and then enroll in the certification program – the year requirement can be fulfilled while you are completing the courses and verification requirements.
Can I use courses I’ve completed previously instead of taking the course again?
- We can consider courses taken as part of other programs/education. However, there are factors that must be considered in order to make a decision. Factors include the time period since the course was completed, the course content, and the school through which it was completed.
How much does it cost?
- The costs of certification can be divided into AAP costs and College/University costs.
- The AAP fees are the annual membership dues, certification enrollment fee (currently $200), and then once certification is achieved the certification renewal fee every three years (currently $100).
- Costs associated with courses such as registration/tuition, student fees, and materials are set by the school and payable to them. To determine what they cost you need to look at the school’s website.
What are the requirements to become certified?
- Certification is based on education – 7 courses for CCAP; 4 courses for CCAPA
Experience – 5 years for CCAP; 3 years for CCAPA
Core competencies – a minimum of 60% of the core competencies shown on the verification letter
What is the process to be certified?
- Step 1 – Become a member of AAP.
Step 2 – Enroll in certification program (enrollment link is in the Members Area of website).
Step 3 – Complete requirements – courses, verification letters.
Step 4 – Maintain certification.
How long does it take?
- 7 years are allowed to complete the CCAP and 4 are allowed for the CCAPA. How quickly you complete the requirements (except the membership requirement) is up to you and your schedule.
Are the courses available in French?
- College la Cite offers the courses in French.
Do I have to be a member of AAP for one year before I enroll in the certification program/start taking courses?
- No, the one-year membership requirement can be accruing while you are working on the other requirements.
Do all courses have to be completed at one college or university?
- No. You can complete the courses through multiple schools. Sometimes different schools have courses with the same or very similar names but if you look at the course details you will see that there may be some difference in the focus of the content, so it is recommended that consider all options and chose the course that is the most relevant to you.
What are the benefits of being certified?
- Having a certification, any certification, shows that you feel strongly about the value of your profession and the knowledge and skills you have to do your job. It shows employers that you are staying up to date with your skills and that you are serious about your professional development.
Which is better, the CCAP or the CCAPA?
- One is not better than the other. The CCAP includes a leadership component that the CCAPA does not. If leadership skills are of interest to you in your current role or in roles you hope to have in the future, then the CCAP may make more sense for you.
Are the courses virtual?
- All of our educational partners offer courses in various formats – in person, online, lecture etc. During Covid all schools pivoted to online formats and most have kept that option for most, if not all, of their courses. Check the school’s website to see what class formats are available.
How many courses can I take at a time?
- That is entirely up to you and your schedule.
I live outside Canada. Can I be certified?
- Yes you can, however, courses must be completed through one of AAP’s educational partners.
Can an employer outside of Canada verify my experience and core competencies?
- Yes. Experience is experience no matter where it is gained. As long as a current or former employer completes the verification letters the experience and core competencies gained outside Canada will be accepted.
What WES report is needed for education outside of Canada?
- The AAP requires a Course-by-Course International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP). The original course syllabus for the course(s) completed must also be provided with the request for equivalency. Without all of this information we cannot consider previous learning exemption requests. When you apply to WES, either online or by paper application, indicate that you want the AAP Registrar to receive a copy of your evaluation report directly from WES.
My education is from outside of Canada. Can it be used as credits for the CCAP/CCAPA courses?
- As well as the WES report described above a transcript and course syllabi are required.
When can I take the CCAP/CCAPA exam?
- It is not a matter of taking a CCAP or CCAPA exam. The courses for certification are completed through colleges and universities and each course has their own examination requirements as set by the school. AAP does not issue it’s own exam.
What is the difference between the IAAP’s CAP certification and the AAP’s CCAP certification?
- Obviously, the main difference is that the CCAP is a Canadian certification. The courses are based on Canadian content. The certification courses are taken through accredited Canadian colleges and universities and not content created by a third party. Having a designation that is purely Canadian is something to be proud of.
Why do I need to enroll in the certification program?
- Enrollment is AAP’s way of keeping track of which members are pursuing certification. It allows us to keep those pursuing certification informed of any changes, updates, and news. It also gives those members a certification profile in which they will use to provide information about the courses they complete and then once certified, information about certification renewal activities.
I am planning to move to Canada. Can I start taking the courses before I arrive?
- Yes, you can take courses while living outside of Canada. There may be fees that the schools charge for foreign students that AAP has nothing to do with.
What do you need in order to review my previous education?
- A transcript and the original (valid the year the course was completed) course syllabus for each course you want reviewed.
I am taking courses for another program at a school that is not one of AAP’s educational partners. Would those courses be accepted towards the CCAP/CCAPA?
- They would follow the same review procedure as for previous education – a transcript and course syllabi are required.
There are 4 compulsory courses and 3 electives. Can you provide details about each course so I can decide which ones I want to take?
- To learn the details about a course you need to find the course on the specific school’s website and read the details there.
I want to present information to my employer about the CCAP/CCAPA certification to see if they will support me. What can I provide him/her with?
- The Registrar has a template letter that can be used as the basis for a business case that you can present to your employer. Members of AAP can find a copy of the template letter in the members only section under the Certification Information section. Non-members wanting to enroll in the certification program can reach out to the Registrar to request a copy of the letter. [email protected]
I have many years of experience. Can I use experience instead of taking the courses?
- Experience is an important part and a requirement of the certification process, but it does not replace any or all of the courses.
Do I have to get a different certification for each province I work/live in?
- Our certifications are national not provincial so certification is valid no matter which province you are in. If you move to a different province your certification doesn’t change.
Can I show on my resume that I am working towards my certification?
- Yes, you can show it as being in progress.
How long do I have to complete the course and other requirements for certification?
- Overall, for the CCAP you have up to seven years from the time you enroll to complete all of the certification requirements. For the CCAPA you have up to four years from the time you enroll to complete all of the certification requirements.
- Individual courses are a semester in length and the school sets the course schedule.
I have already been taking some of the CCAP/CCAPA courses. Should I enroll now or wait until I’m done all the courses?
- In order to be certified you must be enrolled through AAP in the certification so you should enroll right away. As explained previously enrollment allows the Registrar to keep enrollees informed of relevant changes, updates, and news and provides a tracking system for course information.
I am already a member of AAP. Are there other costs to becoming certified?
- There is an enrollment fee payable to AAP.
- Costs for the courses are payable to the school.
I’ve been taking courses at a school that is not one of your educational partners. Does that mean I have to do the courses over again?
- Please see above for the answer to a similar question.
Why do you need a course syllabus to consider courses for equivalency?
- The course syllabus provides details of the course content and learning outcomes and is a tool the Registrar uses to ensure that the course content meets AAP’s expectations.
- Schools keep copies of older syllabi for their records so they should be able to provide a copy if you don’t have it or can’t get it from the school’s website. Remember that the course syllabus must for the year in which you took the course.
I have completed a course that is similar to one listed on the school’s approved course list. Will it be accepted?
- You will need to provide confirmation from the school that the course is equivalent to the one on their approved course list.
- Along with the school’s confirmation a transcript and course syllabus is required.
On some of the course lists for the educational partners it shows that more than one course is needed. Why?
- Our certification programs are based on university-level courses. Sometimes it takes two college courses to be equivalent to one university course.
If I don’t have a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) can I still enroll and become certified?
- Yes. A BBA is not needed to become certified. Having a BBA will reduce the number of years’ experience that is required. Instead of 5 years’ experience for the CCAP with a BBA 3 years will be accepted. Instead of 3 years’ experience for the CCAPA with a BBA 2 years will be accepted.
I have my CCAPA certification. Can I change it to a CCAP at a later date?
- Yes. You can use the four courses you completed for your CCAPA towards the CCAP at a future date. You would need to complete the remaining three courses through one of our educational partners as well as provide an updated letter of experience verification showing you have the higher number of years’ work experience.
What is required to maintain my certification (renewal credits) and how do I earn the renewal credits?
- Once you are either CCAP or CCAPA certified you must renew it every three years. To renew it you must earn certification renewal credits (40 credits for the CCAP and 30 for the CCAPA) as well as pay the certification renewal fee. Details about the renewal process and earning renewal credits can be found under the Certification Renewal heading of the Certification header.