Georgian College Student

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This form requires an access code. With a valid code, an account will automatically be created, and email instructions will be provided for creating a password to the email address entered.
Home Address:*

Collection of Personal Information Obtained from Membership Application, Renewal, and CCAP Enrollment Forms:

Personal information is collected for the purpose of maintaining membership records with the Association of Administrative Professionals. The information is maintained in a master database that is circulated to the National Board of Directors and Branch Executive Members of the Association of Administrative Professionals. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, contact the Director-President of the National Board at [email protected]

The Association may wish to include your name and/or photos in documents published by Association which include but are not limited to the Annual Report, Membership Directory, the Association’s website, and other related publications.

Use of Personal Information in Association Publications and Electronic Media:*
E-mail subscribe/un-subscribe:*
Use of Photos in Association Publications and Electronic Media:*

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