Professional Development


By being a part of AAP, you have access to extensive learning opportunities at both the Branch and National levels, ensuring continuous growth and development in your field.

2024-2025 AAP Event Schedule

Stay ahead of the curve and plan your professional development with our comprehensive list of learning opportunities for the coming year. Sharpen your skills, learn new techniques, and advance your career with ease.



In today’s competitive market, administrative professionals need to ensure that they maintain the ability to adapt to the constantly changing office environment. Attending workshops benefits you, your boss, and your organization by giving you up-to-date knowledge and information specific to your role. One of the single most valuable activities of any professional conference is the time that you get to spend with your colleagues – those you just met and those you’ve known for years. A professional conference can be an excellent chance to network with other people in your field, allowing you to feel more integrated into your professional community. The networking opportunities provide a sense of connection whether you work in a large, small, or home-based office.

By attending a workshop, you can expect to gain:

  • Tools and techniques to be more efficient and effective in your current and future roles.
  • New and upgraded skills, best practices, and strategies that you can begin to use the minute you get back to your office and share with your colleagues.
  • Increased productivity and effectiveness.
  • Up-to-date trends and developments in the workplace.
  • Fresh ideas and insights gained from networking with other like-minded professionals across Canada.
  • Solid advice from people with whom you normally wouldn’t be able to connect.

The value of any conference comes from what you bring back and share. Returning with just one great idea truly makes the investment in time and money spent worthwhile. Employers recognize the importance of investing in the employees who make up their work team. Employees who get the opportunity to participate in training can be viewed as preparing themselves for promotional and advancement opportunities within or outside of the organization. Those who take classes in supervisory skills or in areas of dealing with difficult people, for example, are preparing themselves for future leadership opportunities. Even if you have been working for 20 years, you may have a lot of expertise but there’s always room to expand your knowledge.

For those members with the CCAP designation, it’s a convenient opportunity to earn recertification points.

Whether you are wanting to upgrade your current skills or learn new ones there are advantages to both you and your employer.



Members can attend other professional development opportunities offered directly through their local branches. They are also provided with webinars and e-learning opportunities sent directly to them as part of their member benefits. For more details regarding professional development workshops in your area, please visit your local branch page and the members only section.



In alignment with our Association partners in North America, AAP recognizes April 24, 2024 as Administrative Professionals Day. This is a day where we recognize the value of admin professionals within their workplaces and to thank them for going above and beyond!

Future Years:

  • April 23, 2025
  • Apr 22, 2026
  • Apr 21, 2027